TouristScams: Privacy Policy

When you use (TouristScams), some personal information is collected from you. However, this site has been designed so that the information collected is minimal.   

This privacy policy sets out the details of the information collected, the manner in which it collected, and the purposes for which it is used. It may be revised from time to time, and you will be informed of the same.

Your continued use of TouristScams signifies your acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Information collected

  • When you register, AudioPen only collects from you a valid email address that you control.
  • TouristScams does not require you to submit any personal data.
  • TouristScams does not directly collect payment information. TouristScams uses a third party payment processor to process payments and as a result of this integration the following items of your data will be visible to TouristScams through the tools provided by the payment processor - the last 4 digits of your credit card, its expiry date, the card type, the card issuer, your billing address, your billing email address, your name, your country, the amount paid to TouristScams, and the taxes paid on the transaction.
  • Your email address may be stored within their servers. TouristScams has access to information regarding the delivery and opening activity of those emails.

Use of Information

The personal information collected will only be used to provide you the services that you have subscribed to receive from TouristScams and to continually enhance your experience on TouristScams.

Data Retention and Deletion

  • All information collected will be retained only for as long as your account remains in existence.
  • If you would like to delete the data associated with your account, you can do so by deleting your account. Please email to do so. Your request will take up to 7 days.

Grievances or Questions

If you have any concerns or questions in relation to this Privacy Policy, you may address them by writing to